The FHBW is one of the founding members of INEHC.
Contact: Dr. Ina Katharina Uphoff
Tel. +49 931 3189672
The Research Centre for Historical Visual Media at Julius-Maximilians-University of Wuerzburg is a significant collection of educational, cultural, and historical importance. It contains approximately 20,000 wall charts covering all school subjects, making it one of the most comprehensive and representative collections of educational wall charts in Europe. The collection is complemented by a slide archive containing approximately 25,000 images. Additionally, it includes specialist literature, such as accompanying commentaries, teacher’s manuals, journals, and catalogues of teaching materials.The scientific documentation of school wall charts began in the 1970s at the University of Duisburg with the establishment of the ‘Archiv Schulisches Wandbild’. The archive became part of a program to promote internal research in 1976.
Archival and research work initially took place in Duisburg and, from the late 1990s, continued at the Chair of School Pedagogy at the University of Wuerzburg through a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. In 2003, the Research Centre for School Wall Charts was established in Wuerzburg. It was later expanded into the Research Centre for Historical Visual Media at the Chair of Systematic Educational Science in 2008.
In 2011, the archive moved to new premises, providing it with an area of over 400m2.
Since 2022, the research centre has been a part of the Institute of Pedagogy.
Wall charts – History – School History – Visual Media