The BBF is one of the founding members of INEHC and maintains currently the office.


Contact: Dr. Stefanie Kollmann

+49 30 293360637

Founded back in 1876 as part of the German School Museum in Berlin, the BBF survived the checkered German history – changing its name in the various political systems until it became the “BBF Library for Educational History Research”, a department of the DIPF, in 1994. read on

The BBF is committed to collecting knowledge in education from a historical perspective. Sources as well as national and international research literature on the history of education in Germany are made available for scientific use in different forms.

Some of the important collections of the BBF


Persons: Robert Alt – Johann Heinrich Campe – Adolf Diesterweg – Friedrich Fröbel – Hugo Gaudig – Berthold Otto – Adolf Reichwein

Subjects: adult education – childcare – family education – GDR – higher education – institutional education – kindergarten – pedagogical discourse and theory – socialization – teacher education – vocational education and training

Media: autographs – A/V media – books – children’s drawings – documents – editions – GDR documents and books – historical journals – letters – old prints – pedagogical lectures – school textbooks

Digital Services: archive databasebildungsgeschichte.deCatalogue of the BBFEditions of the BBFPicturaPaedagogicaScriptaPaedagogica